Minecraft Superflat Crazy Saplings

Published on 17 February 2024
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I've been on a bit of a Minecraft Superflat binge lately. Not the standard superflat, but different custom layered worlds as a challenge. Here's one I liked that involves saplings. Sooooo many saplings ...

It came from a suggestion on Reddit and involves a layer of jungle saplings on dirt. The idea is that the jungle trees start growing in all the wrong places, causing both pain to chop down and a dark shady hideaway for skeles and other annoyances to spawn.

Superflat with one layer of bedrock, 10-15 layers of stone, 5 layers of dirt, 1 layer of jungle saplings. ... After the first night, so many trees will have grown that it will be dark enough for mobs to spawn constantly in the shade. For added challenge, build a wall around the first village you find, or transplant the villagers into the a large tree house village. MissingFish on r/Minecraft

I've been really enjoying this one, although dealing with the slimes while clearing all those saplings is a headache. I found finding a village and investing in a bucket of water early on (sorry Mr Iron Golem) is a great help as you can clear the saplings much faster.


  • Wood is in abundance and jungle wood is nice to build with
  • You can compost the saplings, so bonemeal is cheap and easy
  • Scale a few vines and you get a birdseye view of the world around you
  • You can easily see where you've been by where trees appear


  • Very quickly get sick of being a lumberjack
  • Turn your back and there's a new jungle with bonus skeles on your doorstep

Jungle Crazy Saplings Superflat Preset for 1.20


Spruce Crazy Saplings Superflat Preset for 1.20

I tried the previous setting with spruce saplings instead and I think this makes the challenge harder as they grow together. You end up having to chop through massive blocks of wood to get anywhere. The jungle trees don't tend to group like this as much, or at least not as quickly.

This preset has a heap of stone layers to add a tunneling aspect and the single layer of sand as an annoyance, but you can adjust these layers to fit. It also removes the slimes as the ground is at Y:48 - so peaceful!


Cherry Mangrove Madness Superflat Preset for 1.20

Cherry leaves decaying
Cherry leaves decaying
This one is a little insane. The layer of cherry leaves starts decaying as soon as you spawn, dropping you to the mangrove propagule layer. As the cherry leaves decay, the mangroves pop up. You can't see the horizon, moving is a pain as you have to dodge mangrove roots and break cherry leaves to get anywhere. There may be villages to head towards, but you can't see them in the chaos.

If you are lucky enough to find a village, you have to start by freeing it from the leaves and logs and vines. Just when you think you're getting somewhere, another mangrove grows. Oh, and for added pain it's very easy to start a forest fire ...

Be warned, the lag at the start of this one is brutal. It does settle down once the mangroves grow and the cherry leaves have decayed.

A very good challenge. I still have no idea where my starter chest spawned, so playing this one with just my wits.

Cherry leaves decaying
Mangroves. Everywhere.
Cherry leaves decaying
Oops, fire!

Jungle Saplings with Structures

There's a trick to this one. Start in 1.17 and create your Superflat world with this preset:


Immediately save and quit, then reopen in 1.20+.

Structures will have generated in the 1.17 world and remain in the 1.20 world.

The only strange thing I had occur with this method was a weird glitch where some village fragments appeared, like half a couple of houses just sitting there on their own. It didn't impact on game play and there was often a full village a short distance away. Just a slight glitch in the Minecraft matrix. Some tips I've seen have said to create in 1.17, open in 1.18 first, then in 1.20+, so it may just be that I jumped straight to 1.20.